cash flow

COVID-induced Cash Crunch? 19 Sources You May Have Overlooked

If you're a Zoom shareholder, tax expert, or bike shop owner, your financial health may have gotten a big boost from the coronavirus. But if you’re like many, the opposite is true. The CARES Act helped, but it didn’t plug every cash flow leak. And with the uncertain status of the economy and future stimulus benefits, money could get even tighter.

Next stop, 401k? Not if you can avoid it…

“Fighting Financial Guilt In The Era Of Latte Shaming” - New Article on Betterment Blog

In the good old days, people would often blame a case of the jitters on their morning coffee. Then came the “latte factor,” which popularized the notion that this ritual could mean the difference between prosperity and financial ruin. Ever since, the average $5 daily price of a cup has probably caused more coffee-induced anxiety than the 150 mg of caffeine itself.

But you can have your latte and drink it too. Here’s how!